Declutter Your Home to Feel Abundant

Let’s talk abundance.

One of the most common misconceptions is that the more we have, the more abundant we will feel.

Which is why, many people:

a) hold on to things that, really, should have been chucked a long time ago,

b) put everything (and then some) on display – subconsciously letting the world know: “yeah, look how much stuff I have, yeah!”

So, what I’m about to say is counterintuitive but:

Having less will actually make you feel a lot more abundant.


Imagine looking around your home and only liking 20% of your stuff.

Mostly crap

Now imagine getting rid of all of the ‘eww’ and ‘meh’ stuff and suddenly liking 95-100% of what you see around you…

Yes, you have less stuff, but enjoy a higher proportion of what you have!

Everywhere you look, all of the things around you make you happy! There’s nothing on the surfaces that’s unnecessary, annoying, useless, crammed, broken, or ugly.

You want this

So – unless you’re dead inside, you will instantly feel more abundant!