‘Go Lift Some Heavy Sh*t’ – And 6 Other Things I’d Tell My 20-Year-Old Self to Do

We are all winging it in life.

There’s no one recipe or formula for how to get things right, so sometimes we will stumble upon a great solution, whilst other times we’ll royally fuck it up and end up with regrets.

‘Should have done X.’ ‘Could have done Y.’

I’m no exception.

Well into my 30s, I’ve been reflecting on the things I wish I’d done differently, and the ones I’m grateful I did.

So here is my list of the seven key things I learned in my 20s.

Lesson #1: Wear SPF50 on your face. All. Year. Round.

Prevention is better, easier and cheaper than splashing out on expensive anti-wrinkle creams when it’s too late.

Lesson #2: Go lift some heavy shit

Yes, girls too. Strength training won’t make you ‘bulky’ but will help you build muscle. Your metabolism in your 30s will thank you for it.

Chomping on almost 3000 kcal a day in my mid-30s is pretty damn sweet.

Lesson #3: Invest in stocks & shares

Even if it’s just a small amount every month.

I pissed about my whole 20s and made every excuse in the world not to:

‘It’s too difficult, I don’t understand it.’ ‘You need a lot of money.’ ‘It takes a special kind of person to invest.’ ‘I’m not smart enough.’

I only got into it a few years ago and within a year and a half, the returns were substantial enough for a solid deposit for a house. Needless to say, I regret not giving it a go earlier.

Google really is a great way to start learning the basics. Motley Fool articles have also been a great source of beginner information for me. I later signed up for their paid share recommendation newsletter – most of them were good, some of them very good and a couple tanked spectacularly, but overall I made very good returns (I’m not an affiliate, I just like their service).

Lesson #4: Work on your beliefs

Realise as soon as you can, that your circumstances, thoughts and beliefs have been shaped by your environment and that they can be changed.

The sooner you start working on the core beliefs that hold you back and make you miserable, the sooner you can change them.

Lesson #5: Don’t chase love and friendship

I made the mistake of bending over backward for people who weren’t worth it. The best relationships are usually formed ‘by accident’ – you just fall into them rather than chase them.

Lesson #6: Change your attitude towards 30s

In my 20s, I used to think that 30-year-olds are ‘old’.

I thought that when I cross that mystical bridge, my life would somehow end, become boring and I’d turn into dust.

The exact opposite has happened – everything in my 30s has been better. Better relationships, money, attitude, sex, knowledge, job, and confidence levels. I am having more fun than ever.

Once I entered my 30s and all of this unfolded, I kept thinking to myself: ‘Why hasn’t anyone told me this??’ So I’m telling you now.

Lesson #7: Don’t splash out on useless expensive crap

When you get your first better-paying job – don’t splash out on useless expensive crap.

I did and it made me realise that ‘fancy’ stuff is more of a temporary pleasure boost but it never lasts.

I learned that what really enhances pleasure is moderation (note: NOT deprivation).

Excess just make the special things familiar and familiarity breeds boredom – making it no longer special.